Belgique Badges is a maker of custom badges and patches. Our purpose is to take your brand image and transform it into a badge.
Belgique Badges is a badge maker based in Christchurch, New Zealand.
We can organize everything involved with the production of your badge, patch and lapel pin — advice, artwork, design, set-up, manufacture and delivery.
We make a range of products: badges, name badges, custom badges, patches, lapel pins, labels, flags, banners, and epaulettes. These products can be embroidered, woven, or printed, and even with iron-on or Velcro backing.
Our pricing is affordable and competitive with either small or large orders. Ask us for a free quote today. We can assist with the design and artwork of your badge or monogram.
‘Emblematic of quality’, all of our badges are made to a high standard. We’ll save you time, money and hassle.
Badges and Embroidered patches any style, any shape
We can create a unique shape to make your badge or patch really stand out. A badge / patch can be made to almost any shape and size.
Custom Badges
We can design a custom badge for you (or use the artwork you provide) to create an embroidered or woven badge. Many options, such as iron-on or velcro-backing and custom shapes are available to you. We work with you to produce the badge you want.